Not particularly miffed but i was stopped from putting a fourth post in a row on the Marica Miki site. I understand the problem of people putting post after post, but in this case there was 1 post on the 19th and 2 on the 20th ( one of which was a grammatical correction).
Effectively my next post ( the 4th) was stopped even though 2 days had gone by but nobody had posted after me. Do you think you could change the algorithm so that you could post again after say 24 hours even if no-one else has.??
You can just edit your last post…
Thank you!!! This is exactly the problem. This system punishes user who have an interest in unpopular topics. I won’t post anymore pics because of this policy.
That sucks and it ruins the flow of comments.
Thanks Jabbath just erasing and cancelling it will remove it altogether ?
You’re not allowed to be the only one who enjoys something. You have to follow the crowd. You can edit the last post and add to it. They think it’s hilarious.
Yes you can do that too
Geez I know they say not to flood but if we want to keep getting freebies and get access to all cameras then we have to participate
As I understand it, this is impossible right now and development would be needed. So maybe in the future.
Just open it up and let people post like they want to. This is c___dish and stupid.