Is anyone experiencing problems getting online to view the apartments? The forum is online.
Planned maintenance from hosters side (though little bit late). Sorry for inconveniences:(
Thanks for replying, any idea how long?
They were expecting two short offlines around 5 minutes, but I can’t say for sure if everything goes smoothly
Tip: If you go to the timeline and click 1 min back, then it runs . At least for me
None working for me either
Can you view timeline couple of minutes back?
Good now .all working
Amazing all those s___ping when it went offline are still s___ping, the disaster went right by them
Yes. Thanks kaya
Site down again ?
No it should be fine
All good here too. On Mobile no problems
I am good now
Cams don’t load for me.
No maintenance on our side as for now. In cases like these, just contact us via support page and our team will help you resolving the issue you may have run into.
Seems to be working now. Thanks
Cams are back to not working for me. Anyone else?
Restarted the browser and it works again.