Nude House

over promised and under delivered the VHTV Moto all bedrooms are now just cam rooms the managers had lied from the get-go on this Nude House Crap

This apartment is so boring :pensive:

this camera behind a fucking monitor is horrible, is it hard to get an angle? :grimacing:

Ich glaube, die ā€œnormalenā€ Leute sind inzwischen alle weg. Nur die drei Kerle vor ihren Cams sind noch da und zwei Kerle pennen im Wohnzimmer auf der Couch.

Echt superā€¦ :s___ping:

You give them too much credit, i doubt if they even thought about it :rofl:

Just watch something elseā€¦ :wink:

!!! looks D&M are back at the Houseā€¦hope they dont leaveā€¦

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@VHTV_James Is this acceptable, cams being blocked? We pay money to get good cam views, but they are more interested in camming and donā€™t care!


Iā€™m not buying they are a couple! The top is definitely gay for pay. At a stretch maybe bisexual

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No way they are a couple, they donā€™t even seem to like each other that much. They are currently in separate rooms on their phones not even interacting.


Letā€™s have a look at what our promised gay couple were up to earlier.

So Chuk was in the kitchen doing something on his phone.

But where was his partner, the one he is in love with? Oh yes, found him, heā€™s in bed with a girl.

Gay couple my arse!


Being on VHTV changes you :rofl:

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Itā€™s all bulls__t. I wish they had left Demira & Myagi and Aldon in their last apartment. At least that felt real. This is just a slap in the face after all we were promised!


@KateZumrud Can you give us an update as to when the promised gay couple will be arriving? You said 100% certain they would be here by the end of last week, but they still havenā€™t arrived.


Chuck more submissive it is he who sodomizes another guy he is bisexual

other black haired asian dude bi he likes men and women

in house naked you have two trans and three gay two bisexual

Now all you come to my wordsā€¦
VHTV doesnā€™t care about their viewers, only for the money. They constantly tell lies. stage shows, realms, relationships, they donā€™t even respond properly to the support tickets and this is ok for you? I was considering reactivating my subscription when I heard their promises, but thank god I didnā€™t because they were all again lies. And then you will hear their excuse when this realm closes: ā€˜ā€˜Oh it was because viewers donā€™t like gay people, not so much interestā€™ā€™ Well all happening because of your poor management! Wake up!


VH quality

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VH seems to be going more b___dy gay by the hour :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: