Nude House

The Asian gay posse left a few days ago. @Bluewinner

Sausage and eggs for lunch :rofl:

Yes, they went a few days ago. Aldon has now (as of today) moved in with Callum in Jaroā€™s old place.

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who is the lady with callum and aldon

Not sure but i saw Calum in their appartment

I canā€™t remember her name but you will have someone answer that here, I am sure.

ahh its syrui i did not get a good luck thanks

Yes, he is living there now.

I think her name is June, but donā€™t quote me as I suck when it comes to remembering names.

ahh right i thought it was syuri thanks

Yep, thatā€™s her! :slight_smile:

So let me get this straight - Now we only have Charly and Dora, June and Jaro here. Which leaves a bedroom free. Iā€™m going to guess that Montana and Eva move in next. Itā€™s about time for their next relocation. :grin:

normal charly dora tiene privilegios charly trabaja para ellos no puede salir tiene derecho a ir a donde quiera el supervicio para vht


I find that vht make bad calculations of the inhabitants to have withdrawn Demira & Myagi for that aldon and left also no one finds their place

They HAVE been replaced, with Jaro, June and Sava so far.

two arrives on house naked for me it is transited in awaiting opening another kingdom

Sava is a surprise. I thought he was umbilically attached to the other apartment.

I donā€™t hide that I left house naked for Archi & Kataleya and Artem, Siora & Tristan and

Demir & Miyagi also at home to find Aldon who will often be there