Hagamos una votación para que aldon deje de lado su maldito celular, esta adicto a esa porquería, es muy m____to estar todo el tiempo con el teléfono y no la pasa bien con nadie.
Again is he reading us? So Aldon if you are reading we want a gay orgy (ok 3some at least)…
He should tell us why Demira is always “cheating” the nude house.
Luka’s so cute. mmm. that is all.
Yep, can’t argue with that!
A bit of pussy action
Luka is cute. I wonder if he’s a straight guy comfortable with his sexuality or gay/bi???
I am starting to think he might be bi.
The way he’s was chasing after Myagi & Aldon tonight I’m assuming he’s bisexual.
Pretty sure Callum is straight though. He does seem to be the only straight guy in the house.
Thank goodness it actually involved cats!
I thought that about Aldon earlier when Luka was on top of him with his bits all soft and dangling on Aldon’s. His phone showed a text page…mine would have had the camera pointing at Luka and fully engaged and showing on the screen!
Aldon is doing his best Garbo. Although he did have a semi after Luka was straddling him.
Exactly. You straddle me, you bet I’m pulling you down on top of me
Right, on my way…see you shortly! Oh hang on, not sure that’s what you meant!
My theory is that Aldon is saving himself for Chuk.
Care to confirm or deny Aldon? We know you read this.
You JUST beat me to that one, I was about to post the same thing.
Luka has reached the “I lurf yooooo, yoooor my bezzzt frend. you know that donchoo, i lurrrf yooo. Yor the bessssst!” stage.