Not What It Used To be

Is anyone else thinking the site is not what it used to be?
The current batch of occupants seem really boring with hardly any good stuff going on.
All they seem to do is chat - very little interaction.
Really miss people like Ary and George, Hugo and Beverley,Jennifer.
There used to be some great parties and group meetings but all of the gatherings in the apartments are boring


Agree. Back in the days we had many hot parties on weekends. Yesterday was a new low for sure. I checked, saw there is nothing but the usual kids parties with no outcome and went to bed :s___ping: :s___ping:

Nostalgia is never a good as it used to be :joy:

I think covid plays a big part

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Well COVID is an easy excuse for everything nowadays… :upside_down_face:

Back in the days people was complaining about the same thing… Curious :smiley:

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Not me complaining back in the days…

I’m not believing this, I would guess you did complain about something. :rofl:

you are so right i remember when VHTV said someone was having a party it meant sex or an orgy now it seems to mean group of guests getting together for a chat and some food and _____

… and s___ping :s___ping:

you may have to give there people time to get use to the apartments unless you go and watch Katia then you know what is boring

Katia knows all about s___ping

She is an expert. Has many degrees in professional s___ping :joy:

i can believe that