Nina & Kira

I get the impression that heterosexuals (count me in) often put a magnifying glass over homosexual relationships. There are things wrong, not balanced, people unhappy and worse.

Take a look at some ( a lot, most…) heterosexual relationships. Those are not better. Au contraire je pense.

Les relations entre es esclaves et leur maitre ont bien changé depuis l’époque coloniale.


#teamCats :black_cat: :cat2: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Home alone in the bath, thinking about …a lot of things…


If she is unhappy, she should do something about it. It soon will become unbearable to watch. Because we love her. Them. I for one don’t want to see unhappy people. Even if I don’t know them at all. Yes, I’m here to watch real people real life and real people are not happy all the time. But this is getting too much to bare. She should know we care.

toujours le sourire cette jeune femme. Arrêtez d’interpréter chaque attitude…elle fait quelque chose puisqu’elle a un travail (télétravail)


She is not always smiling. Au contraire encore une fois. Most of the time she looks extremely unhappy. And since I care I can not take it much longer. Take for instance right now. At this moment she is in the bath shaving. Now normaly when a woman is shaving I would love to watch it. Almost a fetish. But not now. I can’t. It is too close. Too intimate. I know this all sounds ridiculous and I might regret it sometime. Sometime soon. But this is how I feel.

I hate this constant use of the Royal We. We love you, we miss you, we take care of you etc. We all have to think alike?? :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

je ne partage absolument pas ton avis même si sa situation de lesbienne n’est pas toujours simple à gérer avec certaines personnes .

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There is nothing wrong with these two girls,except they both look tired and worn out.
Going to bed and only having few hours s___p is catching up with them👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩


Intersting choice of movie tonight. Turns out an onloine cyrillic keyboard is quite a useful tool for this kind or research.

СОБАЧЬЕ СЕРДЦЕ means “dog’s heart” which in this case is “Heart of a Dog” (1988)


Wow great! Thank you.

are these two still together they were hot

They are still hot ,if and when the mood takes them (not often theses days)
But we can still watch them going about there every day life😻

Very interesting :s___ping: :s___ping:

Wow, that is one hell of a TV, although I would personally prefer a widescreen over a square screen. It’s still the biggest TV I’ve ever seen on VH.

I think it is a screen and a projector. For a TV colors would be really dull and undersaturated…

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You’re probably right, but where’s the projector? Typically, they hang from the ceiling. Is it the black box on the coffee table? It looks like it’s hooked up to their laptop, although I can’t tell for sure.

I guess it is one of that small LED projectors. The black box I think. The angle could be right for it…