Nina & Kira

Ahhhh, Found It. Preferences>> Notifications>> Users>> Ignored>> + Add User


Bon j’invite tous les amis de N/k Ă  ne plus te rĂ©pondre .

Carlos : well, everyone is starting to understand that you don’t like them. That’s your opinion and you have the right to have it. But what I don’t understand is why you insist on looking at them and expressing opinions against them. Just do like me: already on REAL, I found them generally boring and on this site, it didn’t get any better. That’s why I don’t watch them or criticize them. Everyone has the right to have their preferences. You don’t like them? I can admit that but you can’t change anything, they will stay despite you.
When others
 do you get bored? So put it in the ‘‘ignored’’, it’s very simple. bye

Thank you, its working beautifully! The Amy clone is gone! Peace and civility has returned!


Parfait ,ses messages ont disparu

So don’t like someone and find it boring is an offense in your opinion?? and a reason to stop communicating? Is it a democracy or a dictatorship? a kind of caguro court is what you are implied? I initially express my opinion about N & K and if you did not like it you should not have answered me that it applies to you and everyone else. We don’t always have to agree and if we do not let silenced she/him French damocracy

Liberta Legalita Ugualita

you are coming too late, nobody will answer to you. Il is a waste of time for you and I am sorry for you.
Good luck :+1:

I am sorry for you I will not louse any s___p over it

An ignore or mute button is nothing like a totalitarian regime, it’s not like we’re voting you off the forum. You’re absolutely free to have your opinion and tell it to anyone who will listen. Just as we all are free to find your opinion stupid, your repetitive posts annoying and just not listen to you anymore.

And there actually is an option to do just that. As Martin pointed out it can be found under Preferences>> Notifications>> Users>> Ignored>> + Add User.

I’m going to try it out. Bye bye, have a nice life

Hahahaha you’re just pathetic :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

ça donne envie


She look very sad and unhappy to me :roll_eyes:

Thanks Martin. It’s a pleasure to get rid of his manure

manure? that is insulting

No. Just my opinion

So if I say you are an Idiot will be that just my opinion??

Define idiot

If in your opinion I am manure, In my opinion you are an idiot

Thanks. When it comes from you I would perceive it as a compliment