Nina & Kira

Never mentioned a toilet???

If you can’t read anymore ,the simple answer is don’t write anymore.Their marriage is as solid as the rock of Gibraltar, Everyone’s marriage is different

Only time will tell there i think especially with a baby screaming in the middle of the night :rofl:

Everything will change when the baby is here!
Anyone who has c___dren of their own knows that!
Then at the latest it will become clear how strong this “relationship” really is!

la traduction en français m’indique les toilettes

ces commentaires sur Nina deviennent pĂ©nibles, heureusement il n’y en a plus pour longtemps

A little greeting from Kira:
Very soon I will have a stomach like this again​:yum::yum:



I hope so too, hopefully Nina won’t leave Kira alone with everything anymore!
I really hope so for Kira and the baby and for the future together!

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FrĂŒhkindlicher Musikunterricht


But will we see it ?

Some of us will

Ok but we still have the web. (Please) and we would like to see a photo of Kira with her baby I don’t think that’s asking too much as we’ve been following her through her pregnancy

Any archive videos of Nina or Kira with a guy or has it never happened

A utility room or washroom in the the UK is a room attached to the ktchen where the washing machine and dryer is normally kept often with another sink unit as well.
Translations can be a bit difficult sometimes. :+1:

I think that with your constantly negative comments about Nina you have disqualified yourself from the group that will receive updates after the birth

Sorry ,I’ve now deleted it from the forum I didn’t mean any harm

Never happened

Thanks i did not think so

Scheint so, als ob das Schlagzeug verschwindet :flushed:

The whole apartment has disappeared, offline it seems.
Whether its the big shutdown and goodbye? Maybe kira has gone into labour?