Nina & Kira

I subscribed to VHTV several months ago and this is the first time that I have come into this realm. I used to watch Nina and Kira at RLC, but finally quit after tiring of Nina treating Kira like a servant or an unloved dog. Kira was actually the reason that I subscribed to RLC. She exercised regularly making what was genetically a good body into an excellent one. At the time, she was with another girl that had a similar demeanor to Nina. When they broke up, I was hoping that Kira would find a better roommate, but that wasn’t to be. When I subscribed and saw that they had moved to VHTV, I wasn’t interested in seeing Kira be ______ so never watched this realm.
Today, I saw the little picture and noted that the person in the bathtub was obviously pregnant so went in to see who the friend/visitor was.
What? Kira is pregnant? How? Artificial? Virgin birth? Abducted by aliens? Someone might have said what happened up in the conversation, but I don’t want to scroll up through eight months of chat to find out.
 I am concerned for someone that I know nothing about. Kira seems like a really nice person. Does she have an outside source of income? Oh man. I am a little sick with sympathy for her and just how complicated her life is going to be.



I wrote a similar note just a little while ago. Then I saw your note in a closed topic. Everyone calls her Kira and they might be correct. But
 I recall a couple of years ago when I was a subscriber to RLC that there was a Nina and (?) there. Then one of them left and this girl that everyone refers to as Nina moved in. The names there, then went to Nina and Kira. I really don’t know which is which, but I do know that the Nina from before is the Kira now.
I am the same as you about hoping that her life isn’t now going to be one of homelessness as a single m____r. She’s a nice lady and it’s going to be complicated.

Although I don’t know that it’s ever been confirmed, it was most probably artificial insemination. Kira’s due the first week of July, with a planned delivery by Cesarean Section on or about July 8th.

They own the home they now live in. Kira works from home and Nina has two jobs away from home.

I’ve been watching Kira and Nina for at least six years, starting at RLC. During that time, it’s always been the same two girls that are here on VHTV with the same names they have now. Not to say there weren’t other girls with Kira before Nina, I just don’t know because I only go back six years or so.

I’ve never heard anyone say anything about other girls as a partner with Kira. They have had other girls staying with them from time to time, but that was during the six years I’ve been watching them.

Hope that helps.

Wasn’t Nina with the girl (can’t remember her name) she was in the 3 some that cause all the trouble , in the end Nina chose Kira ,and as they say the rest is history

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Me myself and I is s___ping well, while her heavily pregnant partner makes breakfast, it should actually be the other way around. But it’s been like this for years and this will never change, well Kira won’t suffer, shall we say. But it does say something about the character of Nina.


I just hope this pregnancy was by 100% mutual agreement between them.After Kira gives birth there will be a new numero uno and it won’t be Nina.I pray for a happy future for the three of them.

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I remember the troubling threesome, but I don’t know if that was Nina’s girlfriend. I just thought it was a friend of theirs. I thought Kira and Nina were already living together at that point. I could be wrong.

Kira n’a jamais Ă©tĂ© avec une autre fille. Il y a eu la manager du groupe de Nina qui a semĂ© le trouble entre elles mais ça n’a pas durĂ©. Depuis Kira est la seul manager du groupe.
Concernant leur relation certains pense que Kira est la servante de Nina mais c’est faux .Elle fait ça par amour et je peux vous dire que Kira a un trùs gros caractùre. Moi qui adore Kira je respecte totalement ses choix.
Concernant le travail , Kira est en congé maternité à partir de lundi.
Comme quelques autres j’ai des infos directement de Kira.

Thank you for this information. It is strange how I really get some sort of caring feeling about Kira even without her being pregnant. Now, that she’s going to have a baby, I really do hope the best for her.

As far as I recall, that third person was a friend that seemed to be closer to Nina than to Kira. Actually, they were right on the edge of having a hidden affair and I think that Kira realized it and slightly f___ed it into the open with that threesome. At some time in that same time period, it became pretty obvious that there were some serious choices to be made.

Sorry Refazer I had to do it ,you said Kira has a very big character ,she now has very big stomach,not long before it disappears She’s done well to keep going ,but I think it’s time for her to have a bit of a rest before the big day

Does “Doe eyes” ring a bell? Copied off another forum to add back info - check the date that it was posted.
Posted September 18, 2017

On 9/18/2017 at 3:29 PM, ed2 said:

Nina home with doe eyes

Yes just tuned in! This is not good! I was rather hoping we would never see her again. This could be an important step by Nina, is she making a choice or is it all innocent? Doe eyes is first and foremost a long standing friend of Nina’s. Perhaps they have put their 3some to bed (pun intended) and all the fallout that followed. That it was a one off, not to be repeated, and they have all moved on. If Kira knows that DE is there tonight, then all well and good, if not and she finds out

We will all find out later this evening no doubt, especially if she stays the night.

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Concernant “yeux de biche” (I
) je continue de la suivre sur insta. Elle est passĂ©e Ă  autre chose depuis trĂšs longtemps.

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Rather a strange house really, walking in the front door straight into the untility room or washroom :rofl:

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As I said before,a wooden house with only one door to escape to if there was a fire,very strange :woman_firefighter:

Les fenĂȘtre du bas permettent de s’échapper en cas de problĂšme .Maintenant le nombre de maisons qui n’ont qu’une porte en France c’est considĂ©rable.

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elle rentre par un couloir, pas par les toilettes

I can’t read anymore!

The same slogans from the same people over and over again. “Nina and Kira want to live like this” etc

Kira does EVERYTHING and Nina can be served, unfortunately that’s what it looks like.
Unfortunately, this relationship isn’t what it used to be a few months ago.

I have two eyes in my head and also a few brain cells with which I can also think.
My conclusion: Nina must finally do much more!!
Having a c___d is a whole different challenge.

That doesn’t mean coming home, having dinner set in front of you, sitting in front of the TV and mobile and then going to bed !!!

Unfortunately, Nina has developed into a worse macho, as is unfortunately still the case in many southern countries.

Nina, you will lose Kira if you don’t lend a hand and actively live in love with Kira and the c___d on an equal footing in the relationship !!!