Nina & Kira

I’m sure that if Kira is pregnant, and all the evidence is there, after the birth of the baby, they will move on to continue their life as a family outside VHTV. They are two adult and intelligent girls and I do not personally think they will do otherwise


Moi si Nina et Kira quitte VHTV, je le ferais également et je continuerai les contacts avec elles sur d’autres supports et pourquoi pas les rencontrer.

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Really you will do that?? :hugs: :hugs:

No doubt the girls will at some point leaveVH so for me it will be 4 years of very pleasant memories
I still hope we have more time with them ,as they are like family😻

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Pas d’affolement , elles ne sont pas encore partis, d’ailleurs pas de certitude sur l’état de Kira .

No panic ,I don’t want them to leave ,as I said they are like family :couplekiss_woman_woman:

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Prepare for meltdown from the fanclub, got another 5 months to get their prozac supplies in anyway :rofl:

OMG you really have lost your sense of humour pal :rofl:

Talking to yourself is one of the symptoms of schizophrenia and antipsychotics are usually recommended as the initial treatment for the symptoms of an acute schizophrenic episode. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Have you been reading the dictionary for all those big words,must have given you a headache :worried:

Well at least it made Stinky happier :rofl:

To change the subject ,what’s is Nina doing now ,as she only comes home every other night🤫

You know you have just made yourself look a dummy by self-evaluating your lack of literacy sk__ls by your comment. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Do I looked bothered NO✌️

They don’t know you from Adam and I do not think they give a toss about you :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It was just figure of speech,and I don’t give a toss about you either :v:

Definitely … not just the stomach but the larger boobs

Her shirt says: Actualy I can

What does that mean? What does that prove? I know:

She can say how stupid you all are. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Will Kira ever learn about safety,tonlght in the lounge standing on swivel chair tacking a cable to the wall
One false move and she would be on the floor😟

Well that settles it then. No pregnant women would ever do such a thing. So, case closed. Thank you very much. Better luck next time.