Nina & Kira

I know you will. That’s why I find it weird that you, of all people, insist on saying that she is pregnant. As @refazer said: you just don’t say that to a woman. Not to a woman you respect.

I said it to Stephie, Goldie and Tessa and so I will about Kira.
I was right with Stephie and Goldie. Tessa remains to be seen. Kira I am about 99% sure she is. No girl gets darker nipples by simply gaining weight :joy:
@refazer is the closest to them all and I am damn sure he knows.

I guess we’ll have to wait and see. It would be great news. But it would also mean they will leave us.

Not saying a thing, except nice bedroom! :laughing:


Sure. But as always on the project there will be new people to replace them…

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Ahahhaah good one :stuck_out_tongue:

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it is possible that it is constipation??? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

In the nipples? :joy: :joy: :joy:

Nobody can replace these two. Nobody. I fear that many viewers will also leave.

Lol biased again. There will be new people attracting new viewers.

Yes biased and proud of it. :partying_face:

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No one is indispensable :smiling_face:

Why would they have to leave they wouldn’t have put 19 cameras for nothing
No doubt this has been planned awhile ago, so give them our support and enjoy KIRAs progress :breast_feeding:

You can’t be serious wanting them raising a baby in confinement of a room without a cam? That is just cruel. The tickets raised by viewers everytime the baby cries will be zillions… Shall they sound proof the room? And everytime they leave and return to the house with the baby they have to go offline? Every people with a baby before left the project and there should be no difference for them.

I think they are responsible people and do not even think about raising a baby while being online 24/7 on a adult site…

Let’s just wait and see

Not necessary to wait and see. Your suggestion is an absolute no-go and I hope @VHTV_James will never approve a thing like that.

I am thinking Truman Show.

With the risk of the site being shut down

Or getting some pedos as audience only waiting that there is an accident and the baby is shown…

Anyways I am sure the girls have enough common sense to not even think about such a stupid plan. Only a wet dream of a fanboy I guess… :stuck_out_tongue: