I was bored, so I had a look to see who I could wind up & you so happened to be the first I came across, I knew it’d be a task as you like to have a good wind up too.
Got broad shoulders pal, like water off a ducks back but at least we had a little chat.
Never any hard feelings on here
Nah the others have just given up on you, a lost cause…
At least it’s more peaceful that way then, bring it on
With the amount of moaning you have been doing in this realm. One would assume Nikki is getting fucked right and good on the regular.
You are entitled to your opinion pal like we all are
Whats that mean??? am confused
Ahhh just got it, you mean assume do you? Still don’t make sense though as she ain’t
Sorry all your moaning got me so hot and bothered I could hardly type.
No worry pal, often get the same Thank god for the edit button sometimes
Your moaning also gets in the way of your own typing sometimes?
would you both stop Moaning and get a room.
You would wanna see that happen wouldn’t you, sicko!
Cheap entertainment is hard to find these days.
Will look a little something like this.
Gotta let @NotSeth get the last word else he gets upset
Well he got me with that Gif.
Can’t get the image of to old Cogger’s rolling around in a pool out of my head… Gona be a long night.
Will it come back at some point or will it go offline completely?
Here on this forum you can think what you want and I think that this ISP Issues is not the pure truth and that it covers something else, it is totally unbelievable that it can take so long to fix it, so what does it cover over!
Well nothing ever happens here so may as well close the b___dy place anyway.
Even Arina seems to have pissed off Not seen her here in ages.
So the offline text are wrong again.
Hello The Official Mouth,
You said Nikki & Arina would be returning ”soon”. It has now been over 24 hours and they are still offline. What is your definition of ”soon”? Will they be returning in 48 hours, a week, a month? We look forward to hearing more official news as to when they will be returning to the project.