New Year Best Apartment Poll #7

The Poll #7 is here. We wish you a Happy upcoming new year.
This time we ask you to vote for the apartment which you believe celebrates the New Year the best.

New Year celebrations are important part of the culture of many participants at VHTV, having bigger priority over Christmas which is coming up in January in most of the countries they live in.

Any Standard/Premium viewer can vote and re-vote for up to 3 apartments anytime until 2022-01-05T09:00:00Z

  • Amelie & Lucas (realm8)
  • Savannah & Troy & Indira (realm62)
  • Pasha & Arina (realm65)
  • Montana & Eva (realm87)
  • Aurelius & Illithia (realm42)
  • Black & Peace (realm68)
  • Yan & Flora (realm4)
  • Raymond & Viola (realm86)
  • Fun House (realm69)
  • Tata (realm90)
  • Maddy & Rocco (realm7)
  • Bella & Leo (realm32)
  • Elliot & Tessa (realm22)
  • Timotheo & KristyKrabs (realm79)
  • Emili & Stayls (realm12)
  • Dexter & Kelly (realm17)
  • Stifler & Goldie (realm67)
  • Jorgen & Belle (realm19)
  • Jules (realm52)
  • Capo (realm6)
  • Mira & Henry (realm18)
  • Rachel & Ross (realm75)
  • Sergio & Teressa (realm53)
  • Otto & Lola (realm27)
  • Nina & Kira (realm83)
  • Ambar & Dane (realm38)
  • Archi & Kataleya (realm93)
  • Ken & Barbie (realm61)
  • Gaia & Grayson (realm1)
  • Aderyn & Aylin (realm25)
  • Odri & Pat (realm84)
  • Foxy & Luna (realm41)
  • Alan & Nina (realm14)
  • Marica & Mikl (realm45)
  • April & Tima (realm33)
  • Igor & Ashley (realm55)
  • Hudson & Hindy (realm2)
  • Milana & Robien (realm71)
  • Nude house (realm88)
  • Cooper & Charlize (realm56)
  • Hector & Marla (realm30)
  • Candy Red (realm60)
  • Sunny & Markus (realm39)
  • Kazantip-house (realm31)
  • Demira & Myagi (realm76)
  • Sophia & Elon (realm44)
0 voters
  • Up to 3 apartments may be chosen.
  • You can re-vote anytime for other set of 3 until 2022-01-05T09:00:00Z
  • Only Standard & Premium subscribers are eligible to vote. Subscribe anytime before 2022-01-09T08:45:00Z to take part.
  • Participants & Studio managers are not eligible to vote. Though they can technically take part into the poll, their votes will be excluded after the Poll is over.
  • No losing apartments here, we don’t oust anybody based on these polls :slight_smile:
  • This poll contains apartments being online by the time it started. No changes to the Poll are possible.
  • Click here to see previous VHTV Apartment polls.

P.S. Are you Premium or Standard Viewer and can’t vote? Refresh the page.


Can we add a “None of the above” option

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Cooper & Charlize are the best (it is not very difficult to be the best either)
You don’t like them?

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What change does anyone expect between Dec 25 and Jan 1?


Due to recent events, the studio, running Cooper & Charlize (realm56) apartment has been disqualified from NY poll.

Alex & Lina’s studio won this week.


So far, I have counted 222% total. That’s umm not math. :face_with_spiral_eyes::face_with_spiral_eyes::face_with_spiral_eyes::face_with_spiral_eyes:

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This is a multi-choice poll (up to 3), thus the confusion

Is that Bella & Leo ?

It is one of top-3 winners this week. Each week we take results of top-3 voted apartments and use the data for internal calculation, which includes fines issued during the period. This means that even if, for example, Bella & Leo’ apartment won, and they got several v_______ns, the resulting numbers would possibly make the studio loose it’s position in favor to the studio with next best apartment which got less (or none) v_______ns. Hope it’s clear, I know it may sound confusing.

The poll is a very important tool for everyone here to represent customer’s interest & reward the studios who are running their apartments properly and don’t v_____e the rules.

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Participants have bonuses? For example, Capo - girls made best design for New Year and deservedly won. Disqualified apartment is 1000 km away from them. And they don’t even know each other. So will they have bonuses for winning?

There is no problem with managers penalty - but it is dishonest deprive award participants who won and did nothing bad.

This is a studio-related “competition”. Studio wins based on several aspects, including these poll results.
It is up to studio to decide how to reward themselves or their apartments from the prize pool we distribute. You may consider a good tone if studio rewards the apartment of Capo for the design, but we will never know if they did, as it’s out of our scope of studio agreements.


If, for example, Capo makes a lot of effort and does everything top, the managers would still get the money. You can decide how much and whether you pay Capo what at all. So there is no such thing as the % rule.

In addition, if a manager is now excluded from several competitions and all his apartments, it would be fair to name all his apartments.

If we exclude any studio from poll in the future, we will not put theirs apartment into the poll. Charlize & Cooper’s studio penalty included disqualification from this particular poll.

We don’t decide as we do not pay participants ourselves. We pay out to the studios, while participants & studio managers always know how much money they should get at the end. The stats are accessible & transparent to every party.

That means Capo could win again, but lost because of C&C this time.

In terms of payment, it was clear that everything goes to the managers, but according to the CEO you control that the participants get their share and are not cheated as much as possible.

True & true

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If it does not v_____e any contracts or data protection, perhaps it would be interesting to see which apartments are managed together?

Adding my two cents I hope managers of Capo and Mira & Henry will be so fair to give them what they deserve even when they do not get any payout from VHTV…

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This ain’t a big secret, and you may find forum members aware of studio structure at VHTV, but we usually do not make this info public ourselves, besides some mentions or references time to time.

Long story short: you won’t get answer on that from me :smiley:

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I don’t know the amount of profits, but you can say that because of misconduct of No. 4, No. 1 and No. 2 have now lost.

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My last info was that it is okay when people know but we should not talk in public forums about it.

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