New Moments Archive

Hey friends!
Glad to announce we’ve just launched our new moments archive:

We’d love for you to check it out, click around, and let us know what you think! If you see any bugs or have feedback, drop it here - we are all ears :heart:

Thanks for helping us make it awesome!


Looks great so far. It just seems I have to rewrite my tool to check if names are taken or not :grin::see_no_evil:

Uhhhm if it is not too hard for you to do maybe you can check if there is some way I can get that list which is called when clicking on that drop down box?


I assume it should be possible to get the list via curl ?

The function which gives the list is called


And gives back the list. I just need a way to grab it

So I could use the output to feed my CheckNames Tool the list and it would be working again :wink:

Thanks a lot :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

bloody hell it took me just over a year to learn how to navigate through the old moments archive , Now your telling me theres a new one , well aint that just dandy now this old fuka needs to put on his brainy hat again to understand the new setup
No Idea Reaction GIF by Cameo
thanx for that your all heart :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rofl: :rofl:


We checked and will do it later

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edit: i actually like and find the new set up much better , looks and feels much clearer & crispier ,

Thanks dear :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Definitely looks smarter, I have have found an issue, you can’t generate a download link without a subscription like you could before

Indeed, thank you for your help!


Just had a look round the archive and it does look fresh. Thanks to everyone concerned in the upgrade.

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nice move missy kaya , 5 mins after i send a reminder in the henry topic about this , you go and pin it ,now you made me look silly , and for that i thank you from the bottom of my hearrt
GIF by Bounce
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


It’s probably too late to ask for this now, and it’s not exactly a little thing to implement, but what I always thought the Moments archive sorely needs is some form of interactivity, statistics or curation.

If we could see the number of views or downloads a video has, or if we could leave a thumbs up, a 1to5 star rating or comments, over time it would be easier to find the good videos in the ocean of mediocrity.

And then, if we could sort the filtered search results by date, rating or views… well, you get the idea.

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It looks very nice. I wonder if it would be possible to keep the time tag when jumping from one view to another for a given scene, in order to keep continuity. Similar to the time line. This would increase the value of those great archives imo.

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you will send the tech department into meltdown with these suggestions :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rofl: :rofl: on a serious note they are some great suggestions a bit like the videos on porn sites (not that i look at them ) :wink: just something ive heard :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:


I have the new version of the name check tool ready:
Tool to check if name is taken - #31 by jabbath1987

there are problems on the various categories…to give an example I selected lesbian among the many videos in the archive there are some that have nothing to do with the lesbian category…( bee shower and reported under lesbian category)…

Now it is fully replacing our old archive. Thanks for your feedback, friends :heart_hands: