New Archive Video

New Archive Video request
My dear Jabat.
BB this time they had a threesome scene in the room, please video of this moment

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Will do. No problem :smiley:

Am I being dumb or isn’t that the video which is already in the archives so why or how are you going to save it again? :confused:

Your point made perfect sense, to me at least. :slight_smile:

Ooops did not notice that…

Dear friend, this moment is not in the archive, at least I do not see it, if you assume that you are right, then your answer would make sense to attach a link to the video, so that the answer is complete

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You posted a link in your original post that is what I was referring to, after reading your post again I think you were requesting the threesome that they had in the bedroom. If that was your intention I do apologise as it confused me with the archive video link you posted.

Also for future reference moment operators can only go back 48hrs to save scenes.