New Archive Video request

New Archive Video request

@jabbath1987, please tell me if you saved this?

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When I click on these, all they do is go through to the LIVE streaming. I can see they have β€˜timestamp’ in the address string so not sure why that happens.

You will only go to the live stream of the apartment as these links were made 2 days ago.

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That makes sense! There had to be a logical reason for it happening. Thank you for clarifying that though.

It’s a real shame the archive timeline only goes back 24 hours. RLC replay goes back 10 days. There was something that i missed but won’t be able to see it now.

@jabbath1987, could you save these moments?

I can try but I am not sure if it will work as I am on mobile at the moment. Maybe @stanley can try it?

@jabbath1987 I’ll save them.

EDIT: Now saved.


Thanks for help :smiling_face:

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Is this the proper place to make archive requests? I have a couple but want to make sure they are requested properly

I guess you can write here or create new topic.

The rules are here:

Was this saved from the other two angles.

This sex as well from the 3 angles.

This one as well the guests fucked in the bath.

Yes, it’s already saved.

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Thanks. I wasn’t sure if it was.

Yes, the other 2 angles have now been approved and are in the archive.


Since the moments operators have been good enough to save some male only moments for us, I will return the favor by requesting some female only moments for upload. Thanks!

  • Maddy and Rocco, shaving for Maddy
  • Sunny bath and shower
  • guests sexy times at Sunny, Markus, Angelo’s