Just a theory:I think the girls would have settled in here OK but the angry bitchin squatters sickened them and they just decided"we’re off". Sergio and Teresa really need to get a life, everywhere they show now there’s drama.Why could they not have just let the girls settle and then fuck off.
What??? Don’t tell us that girls are wrong, that girls should stay silent in this case. Ness and Uly are currently the victims. Because of one idiot, disgusting, selfish couple (esp. Teresa). The apartment is being closed from their first days. do you think this is normal? because most people and I have purchased memberships specifically for Ness…
Please solve the problem of this apartment as soon as possible because our days are running out.
You seem to be new to VHTV. People come and go from the apartments at an alarming frequency, it would be very unwise to take out a subscription just for one apartment. In some way this is a good thing as it gives a constant change for those of us with long term subscriptions.
Kaya only passes along information given to her, so if the girls have decided to leave and the apartment closed then it isn’t her fault it is the problem for the managers to sort out. I do believe @kaya will relay any questions or comments but what the managers of the area do, we’ll have to wait and see.
Exactly. It was in no way Kayas fault that this place failed to badly…
Unfortunately we don’t deal with tenants directly. Girls left before shut down due to some personal conflict and we’ve turned apartment offline because we didn’t like that it seemed that guests were going to stay there instead of participants. I can’t help with getting girls back, if they won’t agree to return, as apartment has already being rented, managers may put other tenants there officially if our HR doesn’t mind - that’s their right. I understand your disappointment, I like girls too and I think they should have stayed
new ??? I should definitely say this and you can be sure that I have been following it since the old site, the voyeur villa. I can give examples such as Tula, Tver, Voronezh. and yes i agree with buy subscriptions.
I don’t blame Kaya, the main culprits are Teresa and Sergio. I’m just waiting for Kaya to deliver it to the managers as you said. what I’m talking about is actually to the managers in a way. I apologize if there is any misunderstanding
Maybe we can ask anna&alex Whats gonna happen with Nessia & Ulyana.
Well said Kaya just as long as you don’t let Marcie move in. lOl
Excellent point👍
Sergio and Teresa don’t need a life, they need to get their asses kicked on the way out the door!!! Permanently!!! Even though I was not a particular fan of these two girls, they did seem to be nice and did not deserve all of the emotional s__t and garbage they went through the other night with Sergio and Teresa. I hope something better works out for them.
thank you to have the same opinion like me
Where is ur days running away ?
Don’t shoot the messenger.
As they are no longer listed and it is still not sure what will happen to that place this topic is now archived.
News from Support;
They say definetely;
“Unfortunately, Nessia and Ulyana decided to leave our project.”
Thanks Sergio and Teresa you fucked up big time now. Hope Anna&Alex fire your asses. You two make me sick. :face_v___ting:
Yes… we can see how they fire them with their presence at Katia place
Yea i know but i had to say it.
If they don’t fire scott from all this time, obviously (unfortunately) they also won’t do a thing about that two