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I didn’t say she was r__ed. I said the guy was trying to fuck and held her in place with his legs so she couldn’t get away.

I see a perception operation again…

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I honestly want to go in so hard on you for crying r__e! She laid there and allowed him to touch her, and at the same time, she was running her hands and fingers down the lady in the middle’s ass and playing with her pussy.

He was caressing her, and the two ladies were playing with each other and kissing.

If she was being r__ed, or uncomfortable dude and that lady was there to shut it down, there was no fucking ____ dude!


What’s this you wrote?

This is saying she was being held against her will, as he was trying to fuck her! Sounds like ____ to me.

She was not being held against her will. Just minutes earlier they were all on another couch fucking and playing with each other. So how is her 1 foot between his keeping her hostage?

Ok buddy fixed it for you. Are you happy now? :wink:

I think u didn’t follow them from macyssens apartment…. they are like this… teasing… rolling hand over body… massage…:sweat_smile: well it was hot…:fire::fire: they always enjoy like this….

Where was the attempted r__e? Do you know how serious of an allegation that is?

The person in charge of the perception operation will drips into the comments.This cycle has been like this for years.Anyway, a leopard can’t change his spots.

Finally they did sex…:sweat_smile:

No, I am telling him to shut that bulls__t down about r__e!

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Big change for her from yesterday

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How to set up 4 some

1h58 She sits down with the couple, kisses the guy (and probably the woman) She has his erect dick in her hand at some point and maybe in her mouth for a while at the end. (The last is not clearly to see)

2h24 She lies next to him, kisses him and lets herself be fingered.

2h38 A lot of fingering under the sheets and then above. The old man regularly licks his fingers wet.I see no resistance from her, but also little cooperation.

2h 53 the leg clamp and arm clamp. The fingering kept going on.It stops when the bi guy brought blankets and she went to the bathroom.
She came back and laid herself safely on and next to her friend from this evening.

Probably an unfortunate choice of her and a pushy guy.

i dont think he tried to r__e here.

hes kind of aggressive from the very beginning.

Yes r__e was the wrong wording. But you could tell at the end he was using his legs and arms to make it so she wasn’t able to leave. She also stopped participating towards the end and tried to pull her panties up.

Thank you, you did a much better job explaining the events of what happened.

have you watch the apartment last night?

he aggressively tried to kiss a guy too .

that can consider as sexual harrasment too. no? lol

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Yeah but it was him using his legs to keep Crystall from moving away from him which I thought was the really sleazy part. At least the guy could run away from his kisses if he wanted too. :sweat_smile: