U haven’t seen the men didn’t got hard… like arold…. Only bald guy got a hard and thick dick… others are just using finger to satisfy women or girl… I hope I’ll see him or some men with crystall one day…. not some limp dick or kids…
She was also running from Arold… and bald guy… may be she is interested in kids… Arold is not danger he got limp dick… but Bald guy is surely a big deal for her…
Well as a moment operator i’m sure refusing to save content to the archive just based on your views of an apartment because it’s weird. Moment operators should save stuff that’s requested regardless if you like it or not.
You are wrong. But even if that was some kind of rule (That once again it isn’t) This apartment have 0 (zero) requests. No one (and i’m including ALL (Every single one) MO) have to save something that don’t like/watch/want. Many of the requests i put “solution” are already saved because it’s from people i usually watch/follow. Requests from places that i don’t watch/follow hardly will have time/patience to pay attention to them as my day have 24H and have many variables on it.
And stop that crap saying that is related with gays or not gays… I don’t save different places where the only sex there is is pussy sex, pussy everywhere, shower pussy, pussies on the table, pussies on the bed
Also the only sex that happened in this place (94) that i saw on pics was pussy sex … There goes the theory