🚚 Nekohey (Long relocation)

Why Did Nekohey Leave all of a sudden?! He was so Nice to Watch. Is It Because The Channel said so? or is there no Expalanation? I miss him already…

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Yes, sad that he left. He gave us some lovely things to watch, at times. I still think his times on camera Vadim, were some of the best.

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yeah, i saved “some” vids and Pictures on my pc, They were too cute not to
if u want a few ill send it to ya


Nobody was good enough to compete with his unicorn though :wink: :joy:
bandicam 2023-02-22 13-54-38-416
This is true love :heart:

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Yusss To Cute To Be true!


I have way More Pics hehe

Happy memories. :slight_smile:


ren, id like to see your vids/pics. thanks

Vadim’s visit on January 19th 2023

So beautiful, both of them. It was always a pleasure to see them together.


No longer “Left The Project”, now changed to “Relocation”.



My fingers are crossed that it returns as “Vadim & Nekohey & Rollie”. Something for everyone that way

Any official information about that ?

Does my life really seem interesting to you?
I wanted to open a venue in Berlin, gain strength and cope with depression. Language learning and legal issues will take a lot of time. If my favorite viewers need me, then of course I will return.

However, my present state does not allow me to do so.

With love, tg/inst: @nekoney


Take care and contact me if you need help with that project in Berlin :heart_eyes:


Dass wäre mal interessant in Deutschland ein Reich :+1:

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PS1 My previous venue was better, i think…

PS2 I am always in touch with my favorite viewers, using the contacts above. It is extremely difficult to migrate alone through so many countries, so I will be grateful for any help and support…:revolving_hearts:

Our bonus for you from me and “Vadim”, he have another name, but it’s doesent matter)0))

VHTV - I love you!:sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:


Best of luck with your travels and keep your chin up. Thanks for sharing with us :pray:

(on a personal note, thanks for bringing Rollie back for that short moment, she is one of my favorites)


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Whoever the guy is that is taking the picture, he is one lucky bastard :sweat_smile: :star_struck:

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