
I have tried to edit my user name, but cannot my name is Bryan not sure why or how I ended up with Murray

Names are assigned randomly in this forum in order to keep visitor anonymous. If you decided to disclose your real name, you can open a support ticket.

Well it seems I just noticed a closed thread from someone trying to get it changed and vh replied back and changed it

You need to tag @VHTV_James and they will happily help you

Let me know what username you want to take, and I’ll help you


Okay, @codebryan, welcome to VHTV Forums!

You need help with your avatar?

Yeah I guess I don’t have one to use though unless you have some to pick

What would you prefer? We got some nice collection of licensed ones to pick. No gallery to pick from, but I could post some options for you based on your preferences

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I will just stick with this for now thanks

Okay. I’ll just leave this “C” here, if you ever need it.