Don’t take it personally, it was a generalisation but it is true of some.
I know. and I don’t. I actually have a smattering of DNA from right across Europe, from Finland to Turkey and all points in between. It tickles me that English people whine about immigrants without realising that ‘England’ was created by them. Though that’s a whole Pandora’s box of issues, so let’s not delve into that. My housemate is of French/Italian origin. he doesn’t speak Italian and his French is bad unless he’s _____, when he speaks French fluently. Humans are strange creatures.
the favorite sport of the english in spain
personally I dont like sub titles because it distracts my view to the action in motion, would much rather voice dubbing even if done poorly
Just a minor correction. English is not THE International language. Mandarin is.
Y por que todo mundo debería entender el inglés? Son países distintos si su lengua primaria es el ruso por que tendrían que ver una película en inglés o con su títulos es ilógico, no a todo el mundo le gusta el inglés no todos tienen la intención de aprender inglés, existen más idiomas y que se haga una publicación con este tema me parece muy gracioso.
Mandarin is the most spoken language globally per human being numbers, but in terms of most commonly spoken language across nations, then English is. Esperanto was supposed to become the common global language but that died a miserable death. recently there were moves to revive it but that seems to have died a death too.
I can actually see English usage diminishing now that the British government has managed to piss off nearly the entire world, and the USA’s status as a world leader has been tarnished. None of it matters though, it turns out that all the people we used to call nutjobs for carrying signs saying ‘the end of the world is nigh’ were actually on the ball. Whether it’s climate change, a third world war, or another pandemic, the human race is doomed to oblivion. Oh, and there’s always the threat of an extinction level asteroid strike. Little things like language don’t count for anything when the ground becomes magma. Anyway, have a nice day. May your _____ing water be pollutant free and your food free of microplastics.
El tema comenzó con las películas con doblaje en ruso y terminó en la destrucción de la raza humana
in with a mumble, and out with a bang.
Age is nothing to do with understanding foreign languages. If someone studied French or German at school, he will not understand English independent to his age. Mandatory English was introduced in schools 2 or 3 years ago.
In addition, there are many slang expressions in the films, and putting a film on pause and googling them every 5 minutes does not bring pleasure.