Mobile Phones

Hello to all of you beautiful People.
I have a simle question.
Why are you always, even during Sex , look and works on your mobile.
Best regards

Good question. I noticed it also. Vey curious what the answer will be :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

They are checking to see how many people are watching them, :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Some are on there mobile to read this forum to look for good or bad comment from us.
Some play games during sex and some record a sex act. But i hope VHTV will do something about it because i hate it too.

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Duriing Sex, bj , hj and so on. That Sounds like Not mich Funk and just minor orgasmns.

How Ever . Thanks for the answer

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Unfortunately, it’s nothing more than a bad habit. In the digital age we are all used to being on our phones, needlessly scrolling down facebook pages all the time.

Well all I say about your question is phones and internet has taken over reality and life that we all was living years agp