“English” should read “American.” All other English speaking countries use the Celsius scale, except for Liberia and the Cayman Islands alongside the US.
Oh la la. It’s about time you learned a bit about world geography… It’s in the north of Russia, i.e. much further east and north of the Arctic Circle, that polar bears can no longer find enough to eat because of global warming, which is melting the ice pack, not in Poland…
As of January 2025, all countries have adopted the metric system to varying
extents. However, the United States, Liberia, and Myanmar have not mandated its exclusive use.
The Cayman Islands have officially adopted the metric system. However, in everyday life, they predominantly use imperial units.
Sans vouloir être désagréable. Pour info: les ours blancs polaires sont sur la banquise car ils se nourrissent de poisson ou de phoque. Quand au ours brun, l’hiver, ils hibernent, même en Pologne, donc il y a très peu de chance d’en voir à cette époque, même en Pologne
Sorry but you are wrong about the Brown bears in Poland as climate change has disrupted their hibernation patterns amd they can be seen all the way up to December nowadays when the end of October would be the normal start of hibernation.
When the pandemeic banned people from entering the parks the bears were everywhere in places where they normally would never be found - they are very timid creatures.
You should know, wise guy, that apart from polar bears, there are also brown bears that live, among other places, in Central and Eastern Europe.
And it is the brown ones that live in Poland.
My Polish colleague was on holiday for 13 days during the Christmas and New Year festivities in Krakow, where he is from and which is 120 km from the Tatras Mountains, and he recently confirmed to me that you are right. He is also the one who translates for me when I want to know something in Russian. He has lived here for 16 years and came here at the time to perform the opera Boris Godunov.
It’s because I know that that I reacted, and since you’re referring to geography, you should know that there are no polar bears in Eastern or Central Europe…
thats the look someone gives when they think they are better than they really are .
Looking at the prepared snacks, it seems like Mira was expecting guests.
You are right