Mira, Shelby

Well so much for that :joy: Let’s see when they are at the exact point again…


Локи пришел помочь Мире отнести рождественские вещи в кладовую.

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Have you never heard of that “one last chance”, but the very last one. :wink: :smiley:

Whatever Shana decided, as long as she is happy with it, that’s the most that counts.

And if it is temporary, it might still have been worth a try. :heart:

@Shana whatever you decided, good luck with it, and heartfelt wishes.


Snoopy has the Henry gene :rofl: :joy: :rofl:


Shana - beautiful


I think she lost some weight


I noticed that at her last visit with Loki @ Carolyn.

Thought it might be stress with building the house.


Now Mira packed her backpack and left! :face_with_monocle: :thinking:

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Around noon, when Shana was on the couch in the livingroom with her beautiful blue bathing-coat on, it looked to me as if she took the virtual tour through an apartment, so possibly she didn’t go back to Loki, but has a new place to stay, and all that misses are the cameras. :laughing: :laughing:


Shana is possibly going to be opening a new realm under Henry (and Mira) :man_shrugging: From what I could tell that was Mira on the phone and Snoopy was Heeeeey mom, come home! :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

I’m sure all the apartments are rented by “the company” that being Henry and Mira. That’s why Mira’s looking, to get the best bang for the buck on the rental price.


Just thinking out loud and if I was Henry I might consider a little adjustment. Now if, as someone mentioned that Shana has a job ( :man_shrugging:) and is out most or part of the day and “if” a realm is being considered for her Carolyn might be a good fit for her. Carolyn would be home to keep the realm going while Shana is at work.

Looks like Anny would be fine where she is…with her husband (I’m guessing he is).

Just a thought :thinking:

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would fit, kick evelyn out after the incident yesterday, and put shana in the flat


Merida lives there. The apartment is, to say the least, miserable. Shana would never move into something like that. If it were to become an issue, she would have to have her own nice apartment with “plenty” of space! :yum: :heart_eyes:

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Out of curiosity, has anyone seen Evelyn since she left Gevorg’s?

I think she is sleeping somewhere. As we know she can do that very well, anywhere and for a long time. Last week she even slept 24 hours with Henry one day.

I rather think that Shana would now be best placed somewhere as a lodger, with some friends of hers or of Mira and Henry. And then she would have to think about what she wants to do. If Shana wants to move into her own flat with Vhtv at some point, that will happen under the guidance of Mira and Henry anyway. They will also furnish the flat for her.
I don’t see her moving in with Carolyn. Because I don’t think the clientele that sometimes shows up at Carolyn’s flat is necessarily Shana’s.
I only see her moving into Merida’s flat if Shana could live there on her own. But it would be possible if Merida moved in with Carolyn. Because in my opinion, Merida and Carolyn have more points of contact or mutual friends. But as I said, that’s just my thought. And as is always the case. Everything turns out differently anyway! :wink: :laughing:


The absolute dream would of course be a double comeback. Shana and Wendy united in one flat. I think the server at Vthv would collapse. :fire: :fire: :wink: :laughing:


shana as gone back home to loki , so wont be joining vhtv as a participant anytime soon


Thanks for the info. :+1: :hugs:
Then all is well again. And I said yes. Everything turns out differently anyway :wink: :laughing:


We do not kow that for certain…

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