Sad to read this news from you. Nevertheless, thank you for enlightening us, Shana.
I can only agree with the previous speakers and wish you much strength. And I’m sure that you’ll manage.
In any case, I’m looking forward to seeing you again here in the Mira realm. And I also say that we all love you, and the Vhtv family will always support you. Cheer up!
Ur welcome sending prayers and always and stay strong ur will always be beautiful and stunning
We will pray while you fuck
Привет, Шана, добро пожаловать обратно на VHTV. Надеюсь, хорошие времена вернутся и для нас. Ты замечательный
Please take care of yourself Dear Shana. You are safe and loved. Wishing you all the very best.
pas de sexe shana
Ни один парень не заслуживает того, чтобы довести вас до такого состояния. Вы молоды, и у вас впереди вся жизнь, чтобы найти того, с кем вы ее разделите.
No guy deserves to put you in such a state. You’re young and have your whole life ahead of you to find the one you’ll share it with.
At this point I have the greatest respect for Mira. She shows true greatness and is a true friend.
Shana has lost nothing of her presence and radiance, even through her absence, at Vhtv. And knows how to present herself.
And as is always the case. There are always two sides to the coin. One is the separation from Loki, which we are all very sorry about. But the other side is that we are able to see Shana more in front of the Vhtv cameras again.
I think Mira could be a good advice for Shana as she managed quite well the break with Henry
Спасибо, Мира, за попытку утешить Шану.
Have Mira and Shana ever had sex together? That would be great to see!
As far as I can remember, no. But please, this is not the time for comments like this. It is time to support Shana getting her life together again, with the help of Mira and Shana’s other friends. Then we can all move on.