untill we hear anything for deffinate as to why she was upset , lets not speculate as assumptions can have a devastating effect if taken in the wrong context . lets just offer @Shana our support in what ever she is going through ,
Absolutely! There could be 101 reasons why she’s upset. And we may never know so it means it’s none of our business. Even though it’s human nature to want to know. What ever the reason I wish her well.
I see Elisha has showed up.
Shana is totally excited and her look says that she would kill.
A little later she smiles and everything seems fine
@Shana everything will be fine again.
Shana can laugh again.
@Shana Whatever ur going through my thoughts and prayers are always with u sending
Seems they all gathered to cheer up lovely Shana
Which is a win - win - win
For Shana to get other thoughts
for us to see some realy nice girls of the VHTV circus back,
and for Mira to get the views out of it.
ce pourrait t’il que Shana et Loki ce soit séparer ?
If Shana and Loki have separated. It would be great for her and Mira share the apartment and each. It would definitely be a big boost financially for them both.
Seems to me nobody will miss Loki
tu as bien raison il a l’air d’un gars taciturne