K&E are not famous for late nights…the writing is on the wall!!
Small group, so far good fucking environment.
I think she was given Henry’s fuck suit October 1sr
Kostja and especially indira are dressed non sexually, right now
great group is here, but i dont know about kostja
he`s getting bit boring
Before the last IKMH four was the same , but as people left she went to the bathroom and re-appeared with the black “suit”.
Too many people for Indira at the mo…or too little Vodka!!
I wouldn’t be surprised, if later Karel would try to finish what he started
in january in this appartment.
Pre-Kostja-time though, but after oct 1st everything is possible.
what did he started?
who is in your profile pic?
We shall see…but he never seems to impress Indira…she spends a lot of effort avoiding him it seems to me.
Karel wanted to fuck Indira during a party on 09 jan, but she decided for Kostja, later she offered Karel to finish, but it didn’t happen
Earlier that night Karel had eaten out Indira, and gotten a kiss for it.
Indira when she was still living at Troy and Savannah
For Indira today I think midnight titties out (like at Jirina last time) 01:00 AM gone,
and whatever happens has to happen inbetween.