Henry is losing lots of income lately with the recent departures
I merely shared an objective observation… in order to keep up with this circus one must occasionally look in on this apartment. I just can’t get over how they think they are so civilized yet, like live like filth. In my experience, accepting this behavior says a lot about personal character… obviously there are a few that have none…
Im thousands of miles away from them…I don’t smell anything lol
So can cooking with oil in the nude
doing the ironing in the nude brings in money, it gets the veiws she not silly
Or frying bacon.
I have officially made Henry a member of the GM Club. [I renamed the club to the GM (Guido-Malkus) Club. It used to be the Aderyn–Guido Club (AG Club) but Aderyn is showing improvement so I have officially revoked his membership.] To be a member of this club you have to be super, super lazy. Obviously Henry belongs to the GM club. I would say only Guido and Malkus are lazier because at least Henry will go out to parties and work at getting fucked and he works hard at cleaning his asshole! No wonder their apartment needs cleaning. If Mira does not clean, it does not get cleaned because Henry will not lift a finger! I mean Henry does not do ANYTHING to help Mira!! He is too lazy to empty an overflowing ashtray! (Why do they have such a small ashtray?!) He is too lazy to start the Roomba! He is too lazy to - etc., etc, etc. I feel sorry for poor Mira.
Or riding a motorbike
Maybe I should open a separate topic for the people with the cleaning fetish? Seems there are more here…
I thought that was done and over with when Troy left.
Not a cleaning fetish at all… just not filthy. They’re not clean… observation purely, try to dispute this… I’m sure none of us live this way.
Your upsetting Jabbath1987, Hes in the Henry fan club
Never knew there is one. Can I join? Do you have a link?
Wow Henry your _____ing.
You look like a zombie.
Go out in the sun.
That puts you in a good mood.
“Gerry Rafferty - Right Down the Line”
Damm , i was going to ask you if i could join ?
Lately Henry looks 50
Mira is busy cleaning. What is Henry doing? Sitting in front of the TV, being on the phone, picking his teeth, picking his nose, scratching his asshole. Why he doesn’t help is beyond me. What really blows my mind is, like Aderyn, he doesn’t care or feel guilty for not doing a fucking thing. What an asshole! How can you be such a lazy fuck??!!
I have a problem………I hate to see men in Russian not doing their fair share. I know they grew up in a different culture then what I did but how can they be so fucking lazy and not feel guilty? It’s not like they go to work every day and come home expecting the wife to have dinner and a clean apartment. The men on VHTV have the same job as the women! Men should get off their ass and help!! I guess the women’s liberation movement never got to Russia and women are raised to do everything for a man. That’s bulls__t! In this day and age, I think women should be treated as equals. Men are no longer the sole bread winners, especially on VHTV! I could go on and on……Oh…those Russians!