Nah she mostly does not even get topless during sex…
I think when the card games beginn, there will be kinky stuff, just wonder if Karel finally gets his shot with Indira. He ate her out, but to my knowledge didn’t fuck her yet.
Unfortunatly I won’t be able to watch tonight due to a dinner banquet so will have to check timeline tom.
di que te has puesto malo
When did he eat out, are you thinking January 23rd, when indira and kostja fucked in Mira’s bed after the gang bang
go henry suck some dick so @ALGECIRAS is happy…
Or someone stick something up his ass like he enjoys
every post he writes he always says the same things…
Indira couldn’t forget to get fucked by henry, she came back for it.
He likes feet recently, especially Mira’s right foot up his ass
That dress makes her look phat.
but from what one can tell, white dress, dark panty.
2 wrong cards naked.
oui mais elle a sacrément pris des cuisses et des fesses. Il faut qu’elle réduise la nourriture et l’alcool
Dommage, elle a un si joli visage
he pensado que lo veré mañana, si hay algo que no deba ver me mandais un privado, gracias sois mi familia
I suspect that with that many people there, Indira and Kostja do nothing sexual!
ne t’inquiètes pas : si quelqu’un entre son pied dans les fesses de Henty; Torey fera une photo rien que pour toi,
I no longer dare making predictions what K & I will do.
I could imagine that in their new world, if others get into sex, K & I may to, and with whom I would not try to predict either. Did not expect to see Indira topless at last week’s party either, but there she was, and enlaced around Henry
Perhaps old habits die hard
which habits ?
Indira from February on looked like a party decoration, obviously not available.
Indira has not wrapped herself around Henry at any of the parties.
So it is new ground they are breaking or going straight back to partying as if it January 2022