Mira & Henry (Part 1)

Because Marica and Shana don’t seem to be very good at that together, that is what k__led M&M&S,

Marica got ignored and left.

I am no expert but the blacklight only shows what is not visible with normal light? When you clean it normally it won’t be visible to blacklight too? So as the sofa is cleaned regularly I do not expect any glow at all

Sorry the correct light if you would really like to see such a glow is a UV light. The same type of light police use when checking a m____r scene for bodily fluid… :see_no_evil:

Star Wars Entertainment GIF

Welcome back Your holiday seemed more like work than hols.

But again only visible when not properly cleaned? Right?

Well, you would need to REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY clean the couch well not to see it. Otherwise, there would be a lot more people getting away with m____r.

Are you worried you didn’t clean your keyboard well enough jabba?? :thinking: :joy:

Okay thanks for info. My keyboard? I never clean it. I just buy new one :see_no_evil: :joy:

Now you know my darkest secret :rofl: :rofl:

season 6 GIF

je ne sais pas ce que Henry mange, mais il m’a l’air d’être affamé

You do know the old saying don’t you/? A fool and his money are soon parted" :rofl:

Yeah actually I used that in some topics in this and in old forums too :joy: :joy:

Damn throwing away Model M’s like they are used tissue paper. So that’s how you spend all the money you make from this forum. :rofl: :money_mouth_face: :keyboard:

black and white old movie GIF by Manny404

Well I also have to say I take care of my keyboard and do not eat there or things like that to get it dirty…

Only wipe off all the cum eh :rofl:

Oh yeah then how do you explain this?? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :lying_face:

Music Video Mv GIF by Lady Gaga

That’s a BIG keyboard :rofl:

And a loud one :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The fact that jabba is in a tutu isn’t even a little bit of a concern to you? :sweat_smile:

Just his hidden talents :rofl:

Yes, there is nothing to laugh about in this trade.

When you act like a jerk, your friends stay away.

To be fair the gif was made shortly after @jabbath1987 had finished reading 400 new posts in the Jirina & Tejo forum topic back when in Indira & Kostja were still participants.