Of course they can be relaxed, the Henrycopter is still wandering around somewhere else!
shana invated mikl’s place in the VHTV
You don’t think that Indira is being very careful not to be near Mikl without Kostja?
Mikl during the last month and a half he was in vhtv, respected Indira
Mikl is like marica’s boyfriend for the weekend
I’d say this looks like 4 friends just chilling, marica and mikl felt comfortable enough, to not even get dressed
As disappointed as I was with Mikl in the past, He is still a damn site better than Henry!
If Henry was here now, I&K wouldn’t even think about visiting. Or if they did, Henry would be al over Indira trying to stuff his fingers in any hole he could access, whether she wanted it or not!
Marica has her mind set completely on mikl,
Even with nothing happening people watch them
I find it strange that “Mikl and Marica” are not listed on any Realm as “participants” yet Mikl shows up as a participant as under their old Realm name when posting. From my point of view their status is “visitor” right now. Can anyone explain to me why this status as “participant” hasn’t been removed?
Because VHTV rarely updates the lists of ex participants, participants and guests
great to see I&K looking so relaxed instead of the usual problems they had at J&Ts
This realm is fluctuating between 1-4 on viewing
Marica wants some sausage with her snacks
Pretty slack and idle of them in my honest opinion. But hey it’s not my site
Marica makes the way she gets up to go to the kitchen sexual
Wonder if I&K are relaxed enough to follow Marica’s intentions on Mikl