a great way to wave…
a great way to wave…
Something seems mighty peculiar about Mira and Henry being away so long not that they are missed very much lol
Their biggest money makers decided to live their life free, away from jirina. Marica and wendy look very happy and solid with Koen. Shana isn’t the most happy person lately. The younger guests probably caused the noise leading to the cops showing up at T&J on the weekend
Hopefully there’s a new realm soon featuring our new trio presently at H&M
M&H seem to have gone to ground since Almira’s apartment went offline, not even anymore apartment hopping.? Weird eh? Keeping their heads down for some reason?
I thought they disappeared after they told them enough go home lol
As long as it ain’t under Henry’s control
They did a runner.
Must have been under cover of darkness as they ain’t awake during the day
Is that where he got slapped or something?
You can see Marica’s contractions when she orgasms. Super!! See 21:52:05
Does she still purr?
Not when she uses the vibrator but she smiles after.
Koen satisfies her like Henry used to, that’s how loud she gets with him
Not every hotel when you go on vacation has cams connected to VHTV
It’s strange that during their vacation that while Mira let Henry fuck a few younger chicks, i don’t recall mira fucking any of the younger guys, even though I’m sure fucking a milf like her would have made their day
Je pense que vous ne savez pas ce que veux dire le terme “MILF” (M____r i’d like to fuck) .Mira n’est pas mère de famille donc …
We call older sexy women on here milfs, even if they don’t have kids
mais quel âge avez vous pour dire qu’elle est vieille !!!, elle n’as même pas 30 ans