Mira broke one heart this week… going for # 2…haha
I think you will find that this is Mira either paying her dues or maybe she really likes the guy .
at JTK&is yesterday or the day before he danced a lot with her, they got a round of applause, at one stage. Mira likes it when people pay attention to her, worship her maybe( and he did) and particularly when they dance with her. She kissed him a lot but wouldn’t go to a bedroom or bathroom with him. This is his payback and thank you for accepting her right to say no. I am not sure that she was going to go the full way with him, she seemed a bit surprised when after massaging her, her pulled her panties down. He quickly went down on her ( which she really likes , then she maybe felt obliged to suck him back, by which time Henry joined in to make it a full 3some. She usually thanks the ones worship her eventually . I am just waiting for my tuen !!! xx
OK maybe. So why did Shana fuck him righ after he showed up?
Because Shana takes any opportunity she can to fuck anyone ?? i have no real idea?
Don’t you think it’s strange that even other women have shown unusual interest in him and there must be some explanation for that. (Shana is not usually so fast with everybody that pudgy.)
i hadn’t even seen him with Shana . i am not that interested in her, so i have only seen his interaction with Mira.
Yes, I understand, I am also interested in Mira, that’s why am wandering if there is something else that would more correctly explain all that unusually deferential treatment of this guy by some of the women. BTW some guys too.
You can see Henry’s technique for eating Mira. He has some great tongue action. Mira certainly enjoys it. What an attractive pussy she has too!
So my question is this. Why did she bang on the wall to get Henry in the BR then she called for him, he came in and seemed to shut anything further from happening?
after that, in the LR they seemed to have words and he left. Why does she seem to ask permission?
sorry but Henry is still alive …
and he has been s___ping for many hours …
I was just referring to the bearded dude. I think these guys get a shot at this amazing woman and just as they are getting attached to her she cut’s them loose. It’s very clear her and Henry get as many recreational partners as possible then return to the nest in tact. Hard nut for some couples handle for sure but they seem to be able to detach and reatach with ease. Everyone benefits in the end.
Henry ist Krank!
I think he has been s___ping for too many hours … maybe a little flu …
Mira hat ihm schon Tee gemacht und Fieber ein paar mal gemessen.
thanks for the information … we hope he will recover as soon as possible …
The rotor blade may have seized up, needs better lubrication
Mira & Henry haben bei der Umfrage mit 29% gewonnen! Herzlichen Glückwunsch Mira,
yeah all is just BS
but you can fancy=)