Mira & Henry (Part 1)

That is your choice.

Another guest have also arrived.

Well can only speak for myself but whenever any focus is on I&K i always view elsewhere.
I find them both as boring as fuck.

Was will denn der hier ,hält er es nicht auf dem Bolzplatz aus ?oder es gibt dort keine Frauen, dann hole wenigstens den Palmer mit…

Well look who has turned up


His dick probably needs a work out :rofl:

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Maybe Henry can help him with it… :eggplant: :rofl: :rofl:

Henry will probably be first in anyway :rofl:

Miki could pop round to see Shana, his suck buddy Troy is visiting… :rofl: :rofl:

Irgendetwas ist heute Mira ,Palmer, usw. sind so elegant gekleidet aus dem Haus gegangen vielleicht .Heiratet heute Palmer?

Mira and Henry entertaining.


all girls party back at home

Palmer is back, so party ends before it can begin

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Er braucht doch eine Unterkunft fĂźr die Nacht.

looks like guest from T&J went to Henrys to report on what went on over there

I thought he already moved in with you :rofl: :rofl:

Mira kannst du nicht Palmer im Geheimzimmer verschwinden lassen.

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Are you waiting there for him? :stuck_out_tongue:

Nein ich glaube Henry wĂźrde mir zuvor kommen und auch traurig sein.

I am sure he will share with you. :joy: Right @Henry ? :stuck_out_tongue:


Nein danke ich Spende mein hälfte Aschbacke Henry.,