Mira & Henry (Part 1)

I am in J&T,I&K now.

Maybe it is a myth, maybe it isn’t. People that don’t think it is a myth have (and provide) good reasons to believe that K&I bring many viewers. This belief could easily be confirmed or dispelled by making the viewing data available.

So, unless you have access to those data, your belief is also very much of a myth, until you provide some good reason to support it.

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@jabbath1987 on this point I have to agree. Without viewership data, neither side has a leg to stand on, yet you and a few members have a pissing match as to who does/doesn’t bring in views. At best, we have a snapshot in time with the six preview windows as to who is on top at the moment. All discussions about bringing in views are moot and senseless… @VHTV_James has apparently decided not to make this data public… unless participant payments are not based on views… which may explain why Candy Red still exists. More transparency from them would sure reduce the pointless conversations that happen here constantly. Maybe they are like Henri… they “manipulate everyone”… who knows?

@Henry Henri, if you want to grow your “business”, then listen to your (paid) subscribers. To be a “Marketing Genius” you need to listen to your customer base… no one wants to see Bruno or Palmer, etc., yet they continue to show up… you are just taking care of yours and Mira’s current likes/egos. Yes, in the end we get to see what you decide we see, but pay attention to what your viewers want and provide that, then you have a thriving business… at this point, content is based on your own personal desires, not your viewers requests… you don’t listen to your viewers. No one is demanding anything, just requesting that you listen and respond in kind. Do what you like, but there’s a lot of views to be had if you would get rid of predatory practices and let people respond naturally if you provide the right environment. Peace, and I wish you well… please listen to your viewers… they are the ones who let you exist at this point.

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Agree about Bruno. He did no longer show up. Palmer has a few special fans who do not like him. I won’t call that “nobody” wants to see him.

And that is good. Because the site is called VHTV and not Chaturbate.

You are demanding with your post that he should do what the viewers want and not what he wants.

It is not even 10 people complaining here all the time. You really think they are his only viewers? When this would be the case Mira and him won’t have 5th anniversary in October this year.

I have a very simple solution to your problem: Just watch a different place when you do not like the people or the content in that place :stuck_out_tongue:

I do not have any special data. I just think there is no reason why they should have so much more views than other people? Unlike five or six fans of them here I do not see anything special or extraordinary from them. I guess their viewer numbers are about average. Not very high but also not very bad.

I actually don’t have a proiblem with viewers providing feedback to participants. Businesses everywhere are always asking for feedback so that they can improve their business, and some viewer requests may in fact be beneficial to their business, and increase their viewership. At the end of the day, they are like any other business in the sense that they need to make money to survive. Businesses that are arrogant enough to think they can survive by not listening to their “customers” seldom last very long.

Boy, it’s hard to admit when you’re wrong isn’t it? Any “company” listens to their customers to decide what they provide. What’s different about this situation? But you are always almighty right no matter… they don’t listen to their customers… prove me wrong.

I agree to that. But take for example the iPhone. When 10 people complain to Apple because they do not like the shape of it and want the next one in triangular shape yet thousands of others keep buying the rectangular one what do you think Apple will do?

Now you can use that example on that place here. :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

I basically answered that already to Geronimo :wink:

Apple may ignore the complaints, but they will look at their competition and ask themselves why millions buy their competititors phones and make improvements so that they can compete.

No you didn’t, you always have to be right… you’re wrong in this situation, but you won’t accept that.

Right. And I have no doubts that will be done here too. I do not think this is something new to Henry. He has the longest lasting place on the site so far so I guess he has some experience and is also used to adapt to new things and situations.

Why? Because you say it? :stuck_out_tongue:


He may be the longest lasting, but he can’t rely on that record to guarantee his survival. It only takes a couple of realms to come along with a model that is superior to his and he could lose his viewership overnight. He can’t be complacent, it will be his downfall.

They don’t listen and do what they want smart ass… ban me if you will. Read the majority of paid comments, they are ignored.

That is right. That is why I said I have no doubts he will adapt when it is necessary. But not when same 10 people write hundreds of same complains each day.

What are paid comments?

Paid viewers obviously…

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Don’t get me wrong folks I do think too the latest parties were super boring and many guests are boring lately. All I want is that you understand that people crying the loudest and the most are not automatically the majority.