Mira & Henry (Part 1)

Nice words but you can’t just ignore peoples beliefs and principles.
Some people do have them you know and shouldn’t be disrespected for it.


Ist euch schon mal aufgefallen das ,das Harry die älteren Damen nicht ständig küssen oder anfassen tut …

it would be easy to ignore but I don’t want to because I have so much respect for people of another sexual orientation and so I don’t respect people who use s__tty language when they talk about them …

I agree with you Robwin…but nobody should try to push their beliefs and practices on anyone else (and that works both ways)…each to his own without feeling it necessary to decry anyone else.

I don’t like for example the phrase cocksucker …

Me neither…but that is not gender specific…it is only wrong if aimed at one particular person.

I do agree reasoned arguments should not result in insults but then it is a very emotive subject.

Very well put my friend :+1:

ko, however, it would take a limit to what one writes …

in this case and addressed to henry’s friend who sucked his pea it takes little to understand …

I disagree…everyone should be able to make their point succinctly without causing offence.

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True but people to tend to get over excited sometimes, just a human fault i suppose.
It is very easy to criticise in the heat of the moment. We all have faults.
Even me :rofl:

But why use that phraseology???

ok I agree with you but the sentence I don’t want to see his cocksucker friend seems to you a normal sentence and respectful towards people with a different orientation from us …

Well it’s an honest word i suppose, how would you describe it?

No , no , no …you have used the phrase against one person in particular…all you need to say is " I don’t like to see bi / gay people being sexual."…you make your point and do not upset anyone.

it takes heart what you don’t have to respect certain people … (LONG LIVE FREEDOM)

But we are all being a bit hypercritical really as we all, well most, like seeing two women together.
Funny old world eh


maybe you didn’t understand I work there among people with a different sexual orientation and they are much better than us …

Frankly I am not against any one person being with another…unless one of the people happens to be my wife and I haven’t been consulted!! :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: