Mira & Henry (Part 1)

I was afraid of it, I see him wanting to suck cock again


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Without Mikl this time

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Does this makeup mean something?

Jirina made up

If I was marica I wouldnā€™t let him put his grummy hands all over her, because heā€™s so far in the closet, heā€™s half way to Narnia

Isnā€™ there any hero or villain with that makeup? I canā€™t rememberā€¦

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Careful Ryanā€¦name calling is frowned upon by some people.

I have never seen that look before, but it is not a happy appearance!

Just My Opinion. no offense intended.

Nah I agree to thatā€¦


Here we goā€¦dig at Kostja time.

In here, or there?

thereā€¦both H&M but for some reason Jirina butted in and said something that made them stop. and when Kostja questioned the type of card game they wanted to play Mira ran out and reported to the boss. Looks like one of their all night poker gamesā€¦it lasts all night because none of them can play!! :joy: :rofl: :joy:

Beautiful hot and nice guy, who loves doing what he likes. Donā€™t over comment about him. If you donā€™t like it, simply donā€™t watch. Easy.


Iā€™m a bit tired of being told what to put or not to look or not to look, your advice is appreciated but Iā€™ll keep writing what I want

As long as you donā€™t get offensive, or abusive, to members and participants, and donā€™t post anything that others find offensive.

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Perhaps Jirina is actually more caring and thoughtful, than our perceptions allow us to see

Sometimes she just seems to want everyone to have fun,

And she is willing to put herself out there first!


I donā€™t think he posted anything offensive. Here you can put what you like but not what you donā€™t like. If I donā€™t like seeing a man suck another manā€™s cock, Iā€™ll say so, without being disrespectful I DONā€™T LIKE ONE GUY SUCKING ANOTHERā€™S DICK

Ok, so thatā€™s not your cup of tea, donā€™t keep going on about it and stop shouting at us. :face_with_monocle:


No one cares what you like or what you donā€™t like. You have just been commenting over and over again about the guy. The image wonā€™t stick in your head and your Retina display (as u mentioned) if you didnā€™t watch the full 30 minutes. Chill and enjoy what your like, rather than continue bullying others for what they like. Life is easy, enjoy it.

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Donā€™t take that attitude towards others, saying no one cares what you like or donā€™t like. it is likely to cause controversy.