Yep most likely has to worship the porcelain god
ive had some awful hangovers myself idk if any compares to _____ing a bottle of 151 plus beers and shots of tequila
But how come her boyfriend is not there? When I last saw they _____ together.
I was never so _____ in my life. And I’m 50.
And guys an apology for inciting panic, but better than being sorry. For a moment my heart sank.
can someone answer the call :;D
And you are still alive wow, that was some session eh
BTW, she didn’t v___t, nor did she fall out of bed. She just pulled down her panties, squated down and deposited some other bodily fluid in a puddle all over the floor.
hey man we went hard in college i still know how to turn up on special nights ive know dudes who drank a full keg and than went to the bar
Well, squatting was very shaky, especially in trying to get up after lying in a pee
But I feel sorry for her, she will be incredibly ill tomorrow.
I’ll keep an eye on her all night. When the party is over, and all the other viewers leave, that’s usually when I tune in.
My favorite is Batman Jabat.
Why isn’t there a sex video with a blonde girl in the archive?
I think the guests intentions were pretty clear, a bit of fun after the boyfriend left, but he treated her pretty well in the end. I think the boyfriend left because she was snoring too loud for him to s___p.
Video please
Yp, thank god. Must say I never saw a woman wasted so much.
As much as I was scared at first for her the guy was fine taking care of her. He even put her panties back on, after that pee of hers next to the bed. All ok, I’m happy.
So looks like you didn’t see a lot in life yet
Haha Those still photos her naked, lying on top of him, look less innocent than they actually were. He was using his body to pull her off the floor and thats how she ended up. Funny i hope she gets to look at them eventually as that may stop her _____ing so much in the future !! lol
Certainly lost her perfect image last night,thought the guy did well with her considering her state.