Mira & Henry (Part 1)


Almost seems like revenge sex

With Mikl saying changes was coming soon this is starting to seem weird havent seen Marica act like this in a long time

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Mira’s home, and looks like Marica might be about to leave.

Marica left with Mira. Looks like Mira was taking the dog for a walk.

I bet these are the changes he was talking about. Andrey understands Russian translates for us because he’s a good dude :slightly_smiling_face:

dont think mira is too happy with henry

Looks like Henry’s in the doghouse! :laughing: Well, on the couch anyway! :laughing:

Mira on her own

They don’t seem too happy together. The only time they are enjoying themselves is when they’re around friends and having sex with other people

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You love talking :poop:. How many times has your :poop: been disproven. What’s your deal?!? Do you want to see them all broken up?!? Are you going to swoop in and save the girls from the baddies lmfao.

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If they were fighting a lot at the party, how is bringing marica home to fuck all morning help the situation, to me that might have made things worse

well from the looks of things this morning(when I got up) Henry was back s___ping in the bed with Mira. dont know if he just crawled back in bed without her knowing, or was invited back

It looks like the great wall of china is between them

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Do you think maybe then that they weren’t fighting and you are just making s__t up? Some of the s__t you post is just absolutely ridiculous.

no… this was clearly a fight/disagreement between Mira and Henry. She walked out to the loggia…I suspect to call a cab/taxi/uber to take her home or wherever she went. And you dont just s___p on the sofa/couch next to another guy when you have your own bed to s___p in. So Yes, Mira was Pissed about something or else she would have never left the party alone without saying goodby to Everyone there.

hope you see what a d______e Henry did by taking Marica back home when you and henry were having an argument

Wat is er allemaal gebeurd gisteren :rofl:


watching the night.something has happened :grimacing:

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She’s watching last night’s get together at M&M’s

Henry brought Marica back home to fuck all morning while Mira was pissed at him

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At this moment she’s watching the footage of Marica walking in the M&H apartment with Henri… she apparently wants to watch the whole thing.

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