Mira & Henry (Part 1)

:boom: :boom:

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nice seeing mia in on the action

This is a foursome where the couples swap mates…but it has not been flagged as a archive video…
Great scene!!

Post your archive request here to make sure it gets archived.

So who said it was Henry who got all the fun. Or even started it . Go Mira Go.


It just saved it. :wink:

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They are not worth a dog, a dog is not a human…

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Mr Active hands at it but he has been trying for weeks with this one but don’t think the boyfriend shares Henry’s view of sharing yet :rofl:
Got a feeling she would if let off the leash.

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But your favorite girl is there :joy:

:rofl: :rofl: Yeah i had slightly noticed that, quite a bit animated at times too but can’t imagine that lasting long.
See Henry is still trying his luck with the butch guys girl lol. She is quite nice actually with great legs and i think she would if given half a chance but don’t think that’s gonna happen just yet unless she comes on her own one night :rofl:

Nooo Allison is still no 1 :rofl:

What happened between Mira and Henry? Clearly Mira she so angry!!!

ii thought she left in a snit but my it was aechive that i was watching


i thoughed i saw them join in a multiunit exchange a few months ago only saw them join 1 time have not seen blondie joun in at all

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only time i saw them join in thank you

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Yeah i completely missed that time, have never thought they have done anything.to join in. :+1:

Mira i think Is living sce Is parking her clothes

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going they 2 into holiday ?