la vrdad pues haces años tenian muchas orguia daban juegos cuando lo cambiaron a esta sala nada de nada porque quisiera saber
These two seem to be doing a lot of s___ping lately, never used to be like that. If it is the new dog making them tired then hell if they ever get a kid they will be comatose.
Getting older now they can’t hack it
Many good tunes played on old fiddles ROB plus they leave the young uns standing
May have a point there pal
I couldn’t have said it better. The times when I liked to see her, the times are over. Too bad.
i think they are at the end of the relationship
But they got a dog, most couples have a c___d to stay together, not that it helps in most cases
Is it not a case of Maren off-loading a homeless thing onto them? :Kind of like she did with Karel on Alex and Anna
I’m joking, before anybody kicks off)
The girl’s name was Elaine.
It is exactly like that. I wonder if you can read the review on here? It would be desirable.
They will bulls__t it along a while longer to keep the cash rolling in but Henry ain’t gonna get off that leash so easy. He still ain’t fucked Marica yet
They’re not your age, yet.
mira&enry hace tiempo que se cabo todo el dia durmiendo y ahora el perrito sala nula con el juego que siempre dieron cual es el motivo que ahora no —NO SIGAN COVI porque no es motivo desengaño
Maybe but they are b___dy acting it, even i don’t s___p that b___dy much
Hibernating bears don’t s___p as much as these two
You should watch Katia…
the walking dead
Only if Mira says yes