Mira & Henry (Part 1)



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Honey, he just gave me a cookie and we shared. :rofl:

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Everybody want a piece of her

Damm she’s not the only woman there but they act like it.


She’s got the biggest sexual appetite there

Kosta and Indira were also allowed to suck on his wife’s breast …

lijkt mij wel er is weinig bescherming tegen Corona in pittsburgh of is het daar niet

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Yes you can tell she is crazy about sex and he will not be able to control that with her. He can’t stand guard all the time with her. She will allow it sooner or later.

They seem very together in everything that goes on tonight

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How many times has she touched his hair tonight

That beard guy is very slick when he try something with Indira in the Kitchen

For a moment K was looking like he wanted to same something when he was kissing on Indira

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K will not be able to control his girl at these parties. She wants sex with anybody

Kissing something is not the same as sex.

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I found him to very quite understanding of the kissing tonight, as if not to take it personally