yes but i think in english, we say ‘‘her’’ for a dog, Isn’it ?
Looking at sites to invite interesting couples for a get together.
so good luck my friend !
que pasa con la mascota d mira & nery
No. English doesn’t even have grammatical gender, so a dog would be called it, unless you know the specific gender of it.
mascota a____l
alguno saben que le pasa a las mascota a____l de mira&henry
Mira & Henry left again this morning with their suitcases packed. I have the feeling that the two of them want to leave the project. Maybe I’m wrong about that too. Does anyone know more @VHTV_James ?
No idea
I guess whenever Mira & Henry decide to leave the project, they will let us know & we might be expecting some farewell party of yet unseen scale
Thanks for the information
Then the two are probably on a journey
It’s Xmas time. They always are out and about this time of year.
Yes, it feels like everyone is out and about at Christmas.
I will also go to Sweden and celebrate Christmas there.
Have a safe trip dude. And have a nice fat Xmas
si dejan el proyecto me extraña por su mascota canino esta todo en la casa
Thank you
Ich denke sie ziehen in eine andere Wohnung ,im Koffer waren nur Kameras und Werkzeug drinnen.
I think he’s going to install Savannah and troy’s new apartment
Ich bin gespannt. Mira ist nämlich wieder da und liegt im Bett und schläft.
Ich habe gerade mal zurückgespult und gesehen das Henry Werkzeug und Kameras eingepackt hat. Bin gespannt was weiter passieren wird.
if he left with cams see what FanRealCams said. Henry helped M&M with their cams