Mira & Henry (Part 1)

You did nothing different what we do with other places too. So for me all cool :wink:

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I get what you’re saying but continuously the same people every time they get the change they put M&H down
how you call that opinion?

I don’t see any hate in any view expressed, the only thing he might get upset is me calling him arrogant. The reason for that I have stated clearly. My opinion of him, agree or disagree. In all honesty what has he done lately to convince me to change my mind. Bear in mind that this place HAD the reputation of holding the best parties that everyone loved.

si ma se stanno male che feste devono organizzare?

They were like that last week yet had no problems hosting guests M & M, Mira suddenly got so much better. But it started way before they got sick.

quindi secondo te il loro rapporto sta morendo?

I have no idea on the state of their relationship as I do not speak the language. The standard of entertainment we are used to has dropped.

Penso che abbiano problemi coniugali. Se ne va scopando tutto ciĂČ che si muove. Era solita andare con lui, ma ora non cosĂŹ tanto. inoltre non puĂČ smettere di chiacchierare quando sono a casa di qualcun altro, ma appena arrivano a casa, non le parla. Lei va a letto, lui si ferma la maggior parte della notte a giocare ai videogames. Ho visto questo tipo di comportamento troppo spesso nelle coppie

I think the body language and actions tell you a lot, even if you cannot understand what they are saying. I think they are having marital problems. He goes off shagging everything that moves. She used to go with him, but not so much now. he also cannot stop chatting when they are in someone else’s home, but as soon as they get home, he does not talk to her. She goes to bed, he stops up most of the night playing video games. I have seen that type of behavior too often in couples and it always ends in that couple splitting up. It would be a shame if it does happen.

Vous manquez manifestement le point et ne regardez pas le langage corporel ou les actions.

potrei anche sbagliarmi non sono il genio della lampada

Purtroppo, sĂŹ, lo faccio. Devi solo guardare il linguaggio del corpo e agire per vederlo e non ci vuole un esperto per notare cosa sta succedendo.

e ne suis pas sĂ»r que ce soit quelque chose dont on puisse ĂȘtre fier, Ă©tant donnĂ© qu’il s’agit d’un site de sexe, mais ok lol et peut-ĂȘtre qu’ils le sont, ou mĂȘme Ă©taient, mais je crains que ce ne soit plus pour longtemps.

Vorrei che lo fossi, ti chiederei di dirmi i risultati dell’ippica per domani :0)

:rofl:missing Trump is in most European countrys a serious case of braindamage


Exactly. It’s so c___dish.

I’m not sure why so many are hating on this realm so badly. Mira is the sexiest woman on the site, always sure to give us something to enjoy. People get mad that Henry is playing video games, but he’s just living his life in his own house, he has a right to play games. S__t, if there were cameras in my house, you’d just see me petting my cats, playing video games, and probably picking my nose a lot
 that’s basically it. I don’t come here for the men anyways (Sorry Henry :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) However, having a man like Henry, making Mira happy, makes this whole experience far more enjoyable for everyone.

Perhaps we can all pay to watch your rubber tree grow ?

i assume you think that Biden ( and before him Obama ) actually did do something right. I cannot actually remember anything ?

We have a political topic here already. This is totally off topic and does not belong here