Mira & Henry (Part 1)

That looks like the only thing you struggle with

I appreciate the new camera 5. Not to be picky, but could it be turned to the left just a little bit so we see more of the room and less of the grey wall?

Privacy, they are there to show us all, minus the s__tter. You canā€™t suddenly start choosing what and where. When your boss gave you a job did you inform him that you will only be doing certain parts? They agreed to share their lives with the viewers.

Can you tell us why you feel the need not to show that area?

Sorry to disagree with you Marcie. :anguished: If that is the case why is it that there are realms with loggias that have no cameras, these became private areas, an they stay that way, so I cant se the difference if M&H wish that area to stay off cam. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

What apartment are those. One that I know of and they agreed not to use it.

What privacy should they have? One tenant says they want this, another tenant they want that, then another another thing and before you know it we have every camera pointing at the ceiling. The s__tter privacy I have absolutely no problem with.

As I see things Berg & Freya have a loggia but no cam. Amelie & Lucas have one, Maddy & Rocco have an area without cam. Tata also and Hector & Marla have 2 from what I can see. past realms, Elaine has had 2 realms with loggias and no cam, and Sina and Jules had the realm with no cam in the loggia. I hope we donā€™t fall out over this disagreement. :anguished:

B & F, she used it once and you could see her at all times. A & L have agreed not to use it, Tanya used it once and it was reported. M & R, I canā€™t see it and to be honest could not give a toss. H & M never seen them use it. Mira & Henri are there all the time and it is very noticeable especially when they have guests.

WTF should we fall out over a stupid thing like this?

I had a look at the active apartments you mentioned, and you are absolutely right! I guess when they donā€™t list a loggia on the floor plan, you assume there just isnā€™t one, obviously not true. Provided they have agreed not to use them, then I guess itā€™s fine.

To be honest I donā€™t mind if they want some area we canā€™t see, Sergio had a habit of disappearing into the toilet with guests both male and female and more than one at a time, for long periods. So they can find ways to hide from us.

Besides some of that loggias arenā€™t covered or have privacy issues

But itā€™s not the case here as it was used quite often.

Poor Scott that was f___ed to put a second cam pointed directly to toilet because people where ā€œhidingā€ in thereā€¦ Just imagine how many cams he would have to put in a division that was hidden for years where 3 people can be there comfortably for many minutes :grin:


i just think that if they are part of the project there should be no hiding places , they know what the peojects about and they get rewarded enough to be on it, and we pay enough to see what is supposed to and advertised as full open apartments so why the blind spots apart from those that show the toilet full on ?

These are still people we are watching here, and I think it is legitimate that they too should have a claim to a small, private, non-transparent area. There is still enough space to see the residents.


This time Paul fulfills his important role as guest at Marcie, he is the boss of the eaters again!

I would speculate that Mira is not feeling well.

I cannot agree with you. You commit to the project 100%, not half heartily. In a way it is a job for them. And yes the toilet should be off limit unless the tenants want it in. We donā€™t get reduced rates when apartments leave or cams get taken down, goes offline etcā€¦

The same way the prices donā€™t rise when new apartments are add , more cams are placed

they all know what they are signing on for , if they dont like it dont do it ,im sorry but as said before they do well out of us paying so dont feel sorry for any of them who dont like showing everything

Wait wait wait.