Mira & Henry (Part 1)

Let the man have his b___dy fun while he can :rofl::rofl:


That’s the problem though he ain’t, Mira is his reliable backup :rofl:

Hey I’d happily settle for Mira :rofl:

Very true, not really finding fault but his lifestyle recently seems to have completely changed.
Whether that’s by choice or non availability god knows :rofl:

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F____r time catches us all mate if that’s what it is or he’s finally settling down :rofl:

Know what you mean :laughing: but can’t really see Henry settling down to be honest :laughing:
Not had any nakedness for a while either surely he ain’t getting shy :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Either way he’s had a fantastic run 6 year’s plus still going easily the longest serving vhtv participant

Nah can’t be shyness we all no how he loves the helicopter :rofl::rofl:

Yep can’t argue with that although i can, think it’s 6yrs actually but then who’s counting :laughing:

Hector and Marla can’t be far behind surely


Sorry got hold of the wrong end of the stick there, you were meaning time obviously :+1:

Yeah time must be close to Henry and mira

Yep almost the same time just 5 months earlier.
Henry & Mira October 2017 and Hector and Marla May 2017.

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If you wake up and your sack is on the floor you might keep your pants on as well. :rofl:

Until the blade comes flying off one day or it keeps banging the floor. :joy:


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don’t no who that is but give her an apartment now :star_struck:

And a very beautiful girl… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: