Mira & Henry (Part 1)

i like to see henry and mira together i have been watching them for many years…

Who is the masked girl?

Anyu. She visited with Russel

bienheureux pour vous… :+1::heart: Parce qu’ils sont parti pour être ici jusqu’à ce qu’ils prennent leur retraite… Ne sachant rien faire d’autre​:joy::joy::joy:

let them live how the fuck they want we are no one to judge…(have a sandwich and go to s___p)…

Désolé suis un insomniaque…:joy:

you can do whatever you want anyway I have already realized that some French people have no brains…

et que certains italiens (vous noterez que contrairement à vous , je ne généralise pas) ont une saucisse , lol , le mot b ite étant banni apparemment, entre les oreilles et le cerveau entre les cuisses…
Bienvenue ici… vous y avez toute votre place à vie…
cette discussion sans intérêt devient juste un “bras de fer” à savoir qui va céder le premier…
On m’a dit que se frapper la tête contre un mur ne sert à rien le mur est plus con que toi et il ne cédera jamais

When they were all in the living room playing cards Henry made out to fuck Mira … something was said and he got funny , Mira went into the bathroomfollowed by Shana and started to cry and Shana comforted her , then still crying they went into the bed room . its on time line check it out

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Got a rough time?

samso je suis fan de toi

your too late now gone past as far as you can go back ’ im sure others must have seen it as well

Story of my life that :laughing:

All these thumbsdown… I scroll down, but I can’t find anything special :thinking:

What’s this, Hermit Henry :laughing: Be time to go back to bed soon :laughing:

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does this crawling pet already have a name? :wink:

We could call him “Suckers”… :thinking: :joy:

“Stuckers” seem to fit better :wink:

Well, he doesn’t seem to know his way around the apartment that well yet…give him another chance… :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Sur ce salon je viens de passer de attentif a assourdi tellement il me saoule de voir vos posts