Mira & Henry (Part 1)

Well, who is it then? Since Wendy knows it is not Gabriella, then I also have to assume that she actually also knows who it is. So, who is it? :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

A new girl. :wink:

So you don`t have her name? That is just fine. No problem. :slight_smile:

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She did not do anything yet to deserve a name…

Which is too bad, but she hast time to work on it :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I hope Trisha new place will be up and running today :pray:

Where will the new action videos be saved from Mira and Henrys new realm? Is that in the old folder at the old apartment or in a new folder at the new apartment? The archive videos? Where will it be saved? :slight_smile:

Secret room there

Same where the old ones were too

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Ok, ok, that was the answer I was waiting for. Thank you so much. :slight_smile:

No she is not

no she is not , what

I know what you mean Mira & Henry :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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the secret room is where most of the guests are between the bathroom and toilet and is about 10 square meters in size

I don’t think Henry measured that. But he will definitely be grateful to you if it’s true… :laughing:

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I hope she comes back occasionally,… please,…pretty please… with honey on top :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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i just don’t start the day that much differently… a few hours earlier though… and with smaller screens… but with more than one :grin:

The not so “secret” room :wink: :joy: :rofl: :joy: I actually don’t care that you have and had what I’ll call a “private” room. Just because we pay to look into your life (or anyone else here on VHTV) doesn’t mean that we get to see 100% of what you or guests do, or say for that mater in my option. Yes there may be sex going on in there at times but some are not all about having sex in front of a cam and that shouldn’t stop them from coming over and having some “fun”. Then I also think there are times when you may have to have some very sensitive conversations that are definitely for everyone to hear. You shouldn’t have to go out to have those kind of conversations. And 'if" you were whispering their would be those that would be saying you’re hiding something. A “private” room" or having a long whispered conversation you’re in a no win situation as there will always be someone that will compline. There is nothing that says there will be cams in “every room” when we subscribe to VHTV as it is. Now I’m 110% sure that there are doing to be some that will not be happy with what I’ve said, but hey that’s life isn’t it. There are more important things in life then to worry about a “private” room in an apartment. I wonder “if” it would almost be better to actually have it on the map and label it as a “private” room and if that wouldn’t in some way stop all the complaining about it. :man_shrugging:

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no. That would certainly lead to questions about what absolutely has to remain private in a life that is so little private, that there is a room for it…
conversations can be held anywhere, just take a walk around the block, e.g.

Secret or private doesn’t matter. Other participants may have a second home with no cameras to go to when they leave the home.

We don’t know and to be honest I don’t care either. All this hype about Henry’s “secret” room is getting on my nerves. At first it was quite entertaining, but slowly this topic should have run dead.

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